Regional Championship Qualifiers Season 2: Modern & Sealed (3-4 December)
We are back with another tournament Report for the Regional Championship Events that was played this recent weekend, where magic players played for prizes, promo cards and an invitation to the Legacy European Tour Finale in Napoli in the first quarter of 2023.
A big thanks to all of you that participated and helped to make it a great weekend with competitive Magic, we hope to see you all again in the new year for many exciting events!

Saturday was the Modern tournament where the players fought through five competitive rounds of swiss to get a spot in the top 8 and one step closer to the invitation to the finals in Napoli.
Field of decks was quite diverse with a lot of decks being represented twice and only two decks with more copies being Blue-Red Murktide with four copies and Green-Black Yawgmoth with three.
After the five tough rounds the eight players that made the cut for the top 8 was found. The top 8 decks consisted of:
Mads Rasmussen on 4-Color Elementals
Bastian Lange on Blue-Red Control
Jesper Christensen on Mono White Hammertime
Henrik Sørensen on Goblin Charbelcher
Erik H. Poulsen on Red-Black Goblins
Martin Nielsen on Green-Black Yawgmoth
Ditlev Geertsen on Green-Black Yawgmoth
Marcel Loevendahl on Mono Blue Affinity
The Quarter-finals pitted Elemental against Affinity, Blue-Red control against Green-Black Yawgmoth, Mono White hammertime against Green-Black yawgmoth an Charbelcher against Red-Black goblins.
In the Semi-finals it was Elementals against Charbelcher and Blue-Red Control against Green-Black Yawgmoth.
The Final match was between Mads Rasmussen on Elementals and Martin Nielsen on Green-Black Yawgmoth, and after three intense matches with alot of back and forth, the Elementals simply overwhelmed and took the match 2-1.
Congratulations to Mads Rasmussen that won the tournament with his 4 color Elementals.

1. Place - 4 Color Elementals - Mads Rasmussen
2. Place - Green-Black Yawgmoth - Martin Nielsen
3. Place - Blue-Red Control - Bastian Lange
4. Place - Goblin Charbelcher - Henrik Sørensen
5. Place - Mono White Hammertime - Jesper Christensen
6. Place - Red-Black Goblins - Erik H. Poulsen
7. Place - Green-Black Yawgmoth - Ditlev Geertsen
8. Place - Mono Blue affinity - Marcel Loevendahl
Sunday was the Sealed tournament where the player yet again fought for a top spot. The format for the tournament was Brother's War sealed, a set with a big focus on artifacts.

The finals of the tournament was between Jesper Christensen on UB Control and Michael Bonde on RB aggro.
Congratulations to Jesper Christensen that ended up wining the Final 2-1 and the with that the Sealed tournament with his Gix themed UB control deck that had both Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor as well as Gix's Command.

And for those of you that are curious, here is the list that Jesper played: